added example of MARCXML indexing with chopping of sort indexes cccording to 'ind2...
[idzebra-moved-to-github.git] / tab / gils.tag
1 # Tag set for GILS version 2.
2 #
3 # $Id: gils.tag,v 1.1 2002-10-22 12:51:09 adam Exp $
4 name gils
5 type 4
6 include tagsetm.tag
7 include tagsetg.tag
9 tag 1      controlIdentifier        string
10 tag 2      streetAddress            string
11 tag 3      city                     string
12 tag 4      stateOrProvince          string
13 tag 5      zipOrPostalCode          string
14 tag 6      hoursOfService           string
15 tag 7      resourceDescription      string
16 tag 8      technicalPrerequisites   string
17 tag 9      westBoundingCoordinate   intUnit
18 tag 10     eastBoundingCoordinate   intUnit
19 tag 11     northBoundingCoordinate  intUnit
20 tag 12     southBoundingCoordinate  intUnit
21 tag 13     placeKeyword             string
22 tag 14     placeKeywordThesaurus    string
23 tag 15     beginningDate            GeneralizedTime
24 tag 16     timePeriodTextual        string
25 tag 17     linkage                  string
26 tag 18     linkageType              string
27 tag 19     recordSource             string
28 tag 20     controlledTerm           string
29 tag 21     subjectThesaurus         string
30 tag 22     uncontrolledTerm         string
31 tag 23     originalControlIdentifier string
32 tag 24     recordReviewDate         GeneralizedTime
33 tag 25     generalAccessConstraints string
34 tag 26     originatorDisseminationControl string
35 tag 27     securityClassificationControl string
36 tag 28     orderInformation         string
37 tag 29     cost                     bool
38 tag 30     costInformation          string
39 tag 31     scheduleNumber           string
40 tag 32     languageOfResource       string
41 tag 33     medium                   string
42 tag 34     languageOfRecord         string
43 tag 35     relationship             string
44 tag 36     endingDate               GeneralizedTime
45 tag 51     purpose                  structured
46 tag 52     originator               structured
47 tag 53     accessConstraints        structured
48 tag 54     useConstraints           structured
49 tag 55     orderProcess             structured
50 tag 56     agencyProgram            structured
51 tag 57     sourcesOfData            structured
52 tag 58     methodology              structured
53 tag 59     supplementalInformation  structured
54 tag 70     availability             structured
55 tag 71     spatialDomain            structured
56 tag 90     distributor              structured
57 tag 91     boundingCoordinates      structured
58 tag 92     place                    structured
59 tag 93     timePeriod               structured
60 tag 94     pointOfContact           structured
61 tag 95     controlledSubjectIndex   structured
62 tag 96     subjectTermsControlled   structured
63 tag 97     subjectTermsUncontrolled structured
64 tag 98     crossReference           structured
65 tag 99     availableLinkage         structured
66 tag 100    crossReferenceLinkage    structured
67 tag 101    timePeriodStructured     structured
68 tag 102    availableTimeStructured  structured