bad sprintf
[idzebra-moved-to-github.git] / doc /
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15 <book id="zebra">
16  <bookinfo>
17   <title>Zebra Server - Administrators' Guide and Reference</title>
18   <author>
19    <firstname>Sebastian</firstname><surname>Hammer</surname>
20   </author>
21   <author>
22    <firstname>Adam</firstname><surname>Dickmeiss</surname>
23   </author>
24   <author>
25    <firstname>Heikki</firstname><surname>Levanto</surname>
26   </author>
27   <copyright>
28    <year>1995-2002</year>
29    <holder>Index Data</holder>
30   </copyright>
31   <abstract>
32    <simpara>
33     The Zebra information server combines a versatile fielded/free-text
34     search engine with a Z39.50 v3 front-end to provide a powerful and
35     flexible information management system.
36     This document explains the procedure for installing and
37     configuring the system, managing data and providing Z39.50 
38     services with the software.
39    </simpara>
40    <simpara>
41     This manual covers version @VERSION@ of Zebra.
42    </simpara>
43   </abstract>
44  </bookinfo>
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47   &chap-installation;
48   &chap-quickstart;
49   &chap-administration;
50   &chap-zebraidx;
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52   &chap-recordmodel;
53   &app-license;
54   &app-indexdata;
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