YAZ++ - A C++ library for YAZ $Id: README.txt,v 1.5 2000-09-13 12:22:32 adam Exp $ o Introduction YAZ is a development toolkit that implements the ANSI Z39.50 protocol. YAZ homepage is: http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/ YAZ++ uses the same license as YAZ - see LICENSE file for details. YAZ++ is a C++ wrapper on top of that YAZ and provides a relatively simple interface to YAZ. o Overview YAZ++ builds a programmers' library libyaz++.lib and a few example applications: yaz-client - small client yaz-server - small server yaz-proxy - simple proxy server Description in HTML format of object model can be found in the sub directory doc. The top-page of the documentaion is index.html. The documentation was auto-generated from YAZ++ source using doc++. Directory structure of the YAZ++ package. -- src (C++ source) -- include (C++ headers) -- doc (documentation) -- unix (UNIX configure script and Makefile) -- win (Windows build files) o Installation, Unix Make sure you have a C - and C++ compiler available. gcc and g++ works fine. Before compilation can take place YAZ must be installed. Unpack yaz-.tar.gz in the same directory as yaz++. First build YAZ: $ cd yaz- $ ./configure $ make Then, build YAZ++: $ cd yaz++- $ cd unix $ ./configure $ make o Installation, Windows Software is WIN32 and should run on Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0. Yaz++ was build using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. Other compilers should work but makefile/project files will have to be created for those compiler environments. Workspace yazxx.dsw includes the projects yazxx.dsp - builds yazxx.dll yazclient.dsp - builds yazclient.exe yazserver.dsp - builds yazserver.exe yazproxy.dsp - builds yazproxy.exe