YAZ Compilation guidelines for winNT/95. $Id: windows.txt,v 1.3 1999-12-02 13:54:56 adam Exp $ This distribution of YAZ includes makefiles that works with Visual C++ version 5 and 6. The makefile is located in sub directory 'win'. If you wish to make modifications to the make process you should edit makefile before proceeding. For example, a DEBUG version of YAZ can be build by modifying the line 'DEBUG=0' to 'DEBUG=1' in the makefile. Run nmake in that directory (in a Command prompt for example). Eg: >CD \YAZ\WIN >NMAKE Make sure that the environment variables PATH, LIB and INCLUDE are set properly. They *should* be set by the Visual C++ installation. Programs cl.exe, link.exe and others must be found in the PATH. The standard includes files, standard libraries must be found in INCLUDE and LIB respectively. The following components are build by the nmake process: yaz.dll - This DLL is made of the source in all sub directories except for 'server', 'client' and 'ztest'. To export public functions the header files contain the modifier YAZ_EXPORT which is defined in yconfig.h. The value of this modifier, __declspec(dllexport), is probably specific to Visual C++. server.lib - The server library, which includes the source from 'server'. Unlike the UNIX version, the server library is multi-threaded. yaz-client.exe - A Z39.50 client console application. It is linked with the import library yaz.lib. This application searches for yaz.dll during runtime. yaz-ztest.exe - The Z39.50 test server as a console application. It is linked with the import library yaz.lib and the regular library server.lib. When running yaz-ztest make sure it is able to find the record test files dummy-records, dummy-grs, and dummy-words in the current directory. As an option ztest may be installed as an NT service (not Windows 95). Use 'ztest -install ' to install it and 'ztest -remove ' to remove it again. Since NT runs the service program in some weird directory, such as \winnt\system32, it's probably a good idea to use the option '-w' to change to some other directory. For example yaz-ztest -install -w d:\proj\yaz\ztest -l ztest.out tcp:@:210 which specifies both working directory (d:\proj\yaz\ztest) and a log file (ztest.out). The server is started on port 210. After successful compilation all executables and DLL's are located in sub YAZ\BIN. Libraries are located in YAZ\LIB.