# makefile.mak - makefile for MS NMAKE # $Id: makefile,v 1.21 2001-02-28 16:56:33 adam Exp $ # # Programmed by # HL: Heikki Levanto, Index Data # # Log at the end of the file # # Missing # - Move MS-C's whatnots into win direcotry # - The TCL script produces C and H files in the same dir as the # ASN files. H's are copied to INCL, C's are left there. # They should be produced into OBJ... # # Envoronment problems # - You need to have the proper path and environment for VC set # up. There is a bat file VCVARS32.BAT that sets most of it up # for you. You can find this somewhere near DevStudio\VC\BIN # - RegSvr32 must also be along the path, often in WINDOWS\SYSTEM # - TCL has to be available too, if compiling for NEW_Z3950 ########################################################### ############### Parameters ########################################################### DEBUG=1 # 0 for release, 1 for debug NEW_Z3950=1 # 0= use old asn files # 1= generate files from *.asn (needs tcl) default: all all: dirs proto_h dll client ztest generate: generated_files ########################################################### ############### Directories ########################################################### # The current directory is supposed to be something like # ..../Yaz/Win, everything is relative to that ROOTDIR=.. # The home of Yaz INCLDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\include # our includes LIBDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\lib # We produce .lib, .exp etc there BINDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\bin # We produce exes and dlls there WINDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\win # all these Win make things OBJDIR=$(WINDIR)\obj # where we store intermediate files UNIXDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\unix # corresponding unix things SRCDIR=$(ROOTDIR) # for the case we move them under src ASNDIR=$(SRCDIR)\ASN COMSTACKDIR=$(SRCDIR)\COMSTACK ODRDIR=$(SRCDIR)\ODR UTILDIR=$(SRCDIR)\UTIL ZUTILDIR=$(SRCDIR)\ZUTIL RETDIR=$(SRCDIR)\RETRIEVAL Z3950DIR=$(SRCDIR)\Z39.50 ILLDIR=$(SRCDIR)\ill CCLDIR=$(SRCDIR)\ccl CLIENTDIR=$(SRCDIR)\CLIENT SERVERDIR=$(SRCDIR)\SERVER ZTESTDIR=$(SRCDIR)\ZTEST TMPDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\win\tmp TMP=$(TMPDIR) ########################################################### ############### Targets - what to make ########################################################### DLL=$(BINDIR)\Yaz.dll IMPLIB=$(LIBDIR)\Yaz.lib CLIENT=$(BINDIR)\yaz-client.exe ZTEST=$(BINDIR)\yaz-ztest.exe PROTOH=$(INCLDIR)\yaz\proto.h # shortcut names defined here dll : $(DLL) client: $(CLIENT) ztest: $(ZTEST) proto_h: $(PROTOH) ########################################################### ############### Compiler and linker options ########################################################### ### C and CPP compiler (the same thing) # Note: $(CPP) has already been defined in the environment # (if you set things up right!) COMMON_C_OPTIONS= \ /nologo /W3 /GX /FD /c \ /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" \ /D "CCL2RPN=1" \ /FR"$(OBJDIR)\\" \ /Fo"$(OBJDIR)\\" \ /Fd"$(OBJDIR)\\" COMMON_C_INCLUDES= \ /I"$(SRCDIR)\include" DEBUG_C_OPTIONS= \ /D "_DEBUG" \ /MDd /Od /YX /Zi /Gm RELEASE_C_OPTIONS= \ /D "NDEBUG" \ /MD /O2 # /W3 = warning level # /GX = Enable exception handling # /FD = Generate file dependencies (what ever they are) # /c = compile without linking # /FR = Generate browse info (.sbr file that gets combined into .bsc) # /Fo = object file name (or at least path) # /Fd = debug database name (or path) # /MD = Runtime library: Multithread DLL # /MDd = Runtime library: Multithread DLL (debug) # /Od = Disable optimising (debug) # /O2 = Optimize for speed # /YX = Automatic use of precomipled headers # /Gm = Minimal rebuild (some cpp class stuff) # /Zi = Program database for debuggers # /ZI = Pgm database with special "edit&continue" stuff - not available in C5 ### Linker options LINK=link.exe LINK_LIBS= kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib \ advapi32.lib uuid.lib \ wsock32.lib advapi32.lib COMMON_LNK_OPTIONS= /nologo \ /subsystem:windows \ /machine:i386 \ /incremental:no DEBUG_LNK_OPTIONS= /debug RELEASE_LNK_OPTIONS= /pdb:none DLL_LINK_OPTIONS= /dll CLIENT_LINK_OPTIONS = /subsystem:console SERVER_LINK_OPTIONS = -lib ZTEST_LINK_OPTIONS = /subsystem:console # TCL TCL="C:\Program Files\Tcl\bin\tclsh82.exe" HAVE_TCL=1 COMMON_TCL_OPTIONS= ..\util\yaz-comp -I$(INCLDIR) -i yaz # Final opt variables !if $(DEBUG) COPT= $(COMMON_C_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_C_OPTIONS) $(COMMON_C_INCLUDES) MTLOPT= $(COMMON_MTL_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_MTL_OPTIONS) RCOPT= $(COMMON_RC_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_RC_OPTIONS) LNKOPT= $(COMMON_LNK_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_LNK_OPTIONS) $(LNK_LIBS) TCLOPT= $(COMMON_TCL_OPTIONS) !else COPT= $(COMMON_C_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_C_OPTIONS) $(COMMON_C_INCLUDES) MTLOPT= $(COMMON_MTL_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_MTL_OPTIONS) RCOPT= $(COMMON_RC_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_RC_OPTIONS) LNKOPT= $(COMMON_LNK_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_LNK_OPTIONS) $(LNK_LIBS) TCLOPT= $(COMMON_TCL_OPTIONS) !endif ########################################################### ############### Source and object modules ########################################################### # Note: Ordinary source files are not specified here at # all, make finds them in suitable dirs. The object modules # need to be specified, though YAZ_CLIENT_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\client.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\admin.obj YAZ_SERVER_OBJS= \ "$(OBJDIR)\eventl.obj" \ "$(OBJDIR)\requestq.obj" \ "$(OBJDIR)\service.obj" \ "$(OBJDIR)\seshigh.obj" \ "$(OBJDIR)\statserv.obj" \ "$(OBJDIR)\tcpdchk.obj" ZTEST_OBJS= \ "$(OBJDIR)\read-grs.obj" \ "$(OBJDIR)\ztest.obj" YAZ_CCL_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\cclerrms.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\cclfind.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\cclptree.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\cclqfile.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\cclqual.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\cclstr.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ccltoken.obj YAZ_ASN_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\proto.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-acc.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-add.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-arc.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-dat.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-dia.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-esp.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-exd.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-exp.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-grs.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-rsc.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-univ.obj YAZ_COMSTACK_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\comstack.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\tcpip.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\waislen.obj YAZ_ODR_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_any.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_bit.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_bool.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_int.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_len.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_null.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_oct.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_oid.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ber_tag.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\dumpber.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_any.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_bit.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_bool.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_choice.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_cons.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_enum.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_int.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_mem.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_null.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_oct.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_oid.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_seq.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_tag.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_use.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\odr_util.obj YAZ_UTIL_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\atoin.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\log.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\marcdisp.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\nmem.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\nmemsdup.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\oid.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\options.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\readconf.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\tpath.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\wrbuf.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\xmalloc.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\matchstr.obj YAZ_ZUTIL_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\diagbib1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zget.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\prt-ext.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\logrpn.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\pquery.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\yaz-ccl.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\otherinfo.obj YAZ_RET_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\d1_absyn.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_attset.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_doespec.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_espec.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_expout.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_grs.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_handle.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_map.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_marc.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_prtree.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_read.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_soif.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_sumout.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_sutrs.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_tagset.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_varset.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_write.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\d1_if.obj Z3950_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\z-date.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\z-univ.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\zes-update.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\zes-admin.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-accdes1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-accform1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-acckrb1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-core.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-diag1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-espec1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-estask.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-exp.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-grs.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-opac.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-uifr1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-rrf1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-rrf2.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-sum.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\z-sutrs.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zes-expi.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zes-exps.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zes-order.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zes-pquery.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zes-psched.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zes-pset.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\zes-update0.obj ILL_OBJS= \ $(OBJDIR)\ill-get.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\ill-core.obj\ $(OBJDIR)\item-req.obj COMMON_YAZ_OBJS= \ $(YAZ_UTIL_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_ODR_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_COMSTACK_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_ZUTIL_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_CCL_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_RET_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_SERVER_OBJS) !if $(NEW_Z3950) YAZ_OBJS= \ $(COMMON_YAZ_OBJS) \ $(Z3950_OBJS) \ $(ILL_OBJS) !else YAZ_OBJS= \ $(COMMON_YAZ_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_ASN_OBJS) !endif DLL_OBJS= $(YAZ_OBJS) ALL_OBJS= \ $(YAZ_OBJS) \ $(YAZ_CLIENT_OBJS) \ $(ZTEST_OBJS) ########################################################## ############## proto.h ########################################################## !if $(NEW_Z3950) $(PROTOH): $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-proto.h type $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-proto.h > $(PROTOH) !else $(PROTOH): $(INCLDIR)\yaz\prt-proto.h copy $(ASNDIR)\*.h $(INCLDIR)\yaz type $(INCLDIR)\yaz\prt-proto.h > $(PROTOH) !endif ########################################################### ############### Generated C and H files ##### ###################################################### Z3950_C_DIR=$(Z3950DIR) ILL_C_DIR=$(ILLDIR) #!!! Should be moved to OBJ, but that requires too much trickery # Files generated from datetime.asn DATETIME_H_FILES = $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-date.h DATETIME_C_FILES = $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-date.c # Files generated from univres.asn UNIVRES_H_FILES = $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-univ.h UNIVRES_C_FILES = $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-univ.c # Files generated from esupdate.asn ESUPDATE_H_FILES = $(INCLDIR)\yaz\zes-update.h ESUPDATE_C_FILES = $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-update.c # Files generated from esadmin.asn ESADMIN_H_FILES = $(INCLDIR)\yaz\zes-admin.h ESADMIN_C_FILES = $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-admin.c # Files created from z3950v3.asn Z3950V3_H_FILES= \ $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-accdes1.h \ $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-core.h Z3950V3_C_FILES= \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-accdes1.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-accform1.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-acckrb1.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-core.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-diag1.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-espec1.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-estask.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-exp.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-grs.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-opac.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-uifr1.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-rrf1.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-rrf2.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-sum.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\z-sutrs.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-expi.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-exps.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-order.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-pquery.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-psched.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-pset.c \ $(Z3950_C_DIR)\zes-update0.c # Files generated from ill9702.asn ILL_CORE_H_FILES= \ $(INCLDIR)\yaz\ill-core.h ILL_CORE_C_FILES= \ $(ILL_C_DIR)\ill-core.c # Files generated from itemreq.asn ITEM_REQ_H_FILES= \ $(INCLDIR)\yaz\item-req.h ITEM_REQ_C_FILES= \ $(ILL_C_DIR)\item-req.c # Combined.. DATETIME_FILES = $(DATETIME_H_FILES) $(DATETIME_C_FILES) UNIVRES_FILES = $(UNIVRES_H_FILES) $(UNIVRES_C_FILES) ESUPDATE_FILES = $(ESUPDATE_H_FILES) $(ESUPDATE_C_FILES) ESADMIN_FILES = $(ESADMIN_H_FILES) $(ESADMIN_C_FILES) Z3950V3_FILES= $(Z3950V3_C_FILES) $(Z3950V3_H_FILES) ILL_CORE_FILES= $(ILL_CORE_C_FILES) $(ILL_CORE_H_FILES) ITEM_REQ_FILES= $(ITEM_REQ_C_FILES) $(ITEM_REQ_H_FILES) GENERATED_C_FILES= \ $(Z3950V3_C_FILES) \ $(ESUPDATE_C_FILES) \ $(UNIVRES_C_FILES) \ $(DATETIME_C_FILES) \ $(ESADMIN_C_FILES) GENERATED_H_FILES= \ $(Z3950V3_H_FILES) \ $(ESUPDATE_H_FILES) \ $(UNIVRES_H_FILES) \ $(DATETIME_H_FILES) \ $(ESADMIN_H_FILES) generated_files: \ $(GENERATED_H_FILES) \ $(GENERATED_C_FILES) \ $(PROTOH) ########################################################### ############### Compiling ########################################################### # Note: This defines where to look for the necessary # source files. Funny way of doing it, but it works. # DLL sources {$(SRCDIR)}.cpp{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: @$(CPP) $(COPT) $< # Yaz client {$(CLIENTDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: @$(CPP) $(COPT) $< /D"_CONSOLE" # Ztest {$(ZTESTDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: @$(CPP) $(COPT) $< /D"_CONSOLE" # Server {$(SERVERDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< # Various YAZ source directories {$(ASNDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(COMSTACKDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(ODRDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(UTILDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(ZUTILDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(RETDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(Z3950_C_DIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(ILL_C_DIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(CCLDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< ############### ASN-generated files !if $(HAVE_TCL) $(Z3950V3_FILES): $(Z3950DIR)\z3950v3.asn @cd $(Z3950DIR) $(TCL) $(TCLOPT) -d z.tcl z3950v3.asn @cd $(WINDIR) $(DATETIME_FILES): $(Z3950DIR)\datetime.asn @cd $(Z3950DIR) $(TCL) $(TCLOPT) -d z.tcl datetime.asn @cd $(WINDIR) $(UNIVRES_FILES): $(Z3950DIR)\univres.asn @cd $(Z3950DIR) $(TCL) $(TCLOPT) -d z.tcl univres.asn @cd $(WINDIR) $(ESUPDATE_FILES): $(Z3950DIR)\esupdate.asn @cd $(Z3950DIR) $(TCL) $(TCLOPT) -d z.tcl esupdate.asn @cd $(WINDIR) $(ESADMIN_FILES): $(Z3950DIR)\esadmin.asn @cd $(Z3950DIR) $(TCL) $(TCLOPT) -d z.tcl esadmin.asn @cd $(WINDIR) $(ILL_CORE_FILES): $(ILLDIR)\ill9702.asn @cd $(ILLDIR) $(TCL) $(TCLOPT) -d ill.tcl ill9702.asn @cd $(WINDIR) $(ITEM_REQ_FILES): $(ILLDIR)\item-req.asn @cd $(ILLDIR) $(TCL) $(TCLOPT) -d ill.tcl item-req.asn @cd $(WINDIR) !endif ########################################################### ############### Resources ########################################################### ### The RC compiler (resource files) RSC=rc.exe COMMON_RC_OPTIONS= /l 0x406 /i"$(ROOTDIR)" DEBUG_RC_OPTIONS=/d "_DEBUG" RELEASE_RC_OPTIONS=/d "NDEBUG" YAZ_RES=$(OBJDIR)\yaz.res YAZ_RC=$(WINDIR)\yaz.rc !if $(DEBUG) RSOPT=/d_DEBUG !else RSOPT=/d_NDEBUG !endif $(YAZ_RES): $(YAZ_RC) $(RSC) $(RSOPT) /fo"$(YAZ_RES)" $(YAZ_RC) ########################################################### ############### Linking ########################################################### $(DLL) $(IMPLIB): "$(BINDIR)" $(DLL_OBJS) $(YAZ_RES) @echo Linking the dll $(DLL) $(LINK) @<< $(LNKOPT) $(LINK_LIBS) $(DLL_LINK_OPTIONS) $(DLL_OBJS) $(YAZ_RES) /out:$(DLL) /implib:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz.lib" /pdb:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz.pdb" /map:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz.map" << $(CLIENT) : "$(BINDIR)" $(YAZ_CLIENT_OBJS) @echo Linking the client $(CLIENT) $(LINK) @<< $(LNKOPT) $(CLIENT_LINK_OPTIONS) $(LINK_LIBS) $(IMPLIB) $(YAZ_CLIENT_OBJS) /pdb:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz-client.pdb" /map:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz-client.map" /out:$(CLIENT) << $(ZTEST) : "$(BINDIR)" $(ZTEST_OBJS) $(DLL) @echo Linking the ztest $(ZTEST) $(LINK) @<< $(LNKOPT) $(ZTEST_LINK_OPTIONS) $(LINK_LIBS) shell32.lib $(IMPLIB) $(ZTEST_OBJS) /implib:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz-ztest.lib" /pdb:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz-ztest.pdb" /map:"$(LIBDIR)\yaz-ztest.map" /out:$(ZTEST) << # note that this links a lib, so it uses completely different options. ########################################################### ############### Special operations ########################################################### ############## clean clean: del $(DLL) del $(CLIENT) del $(ZTEST) del $(TMPDIR)\*. del $(LIBDIR)\*.MAP del $(LIBDIR)\*.LIB del $(OBJDIR)\*.OBJ del $(PROTOH) realclean: clean del $(Z3950_C_DIR)\*.c del $(Z3950_C_DIR)\*.h del $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-accdes1.h del $(INCLDIR)\yaz\z-core.h del $(DATETIME_H_FILES) del $(UNIVRES_H_FILES) del $(ESUPDATE_H_FILES) # Because DOS del will only accept one file name to delete, # the _H_ files work only on sets that have just one file. # Z3950_H_FILES had to be spelled out. One more point for MS! ########### check directories and create if needed dirs: $(OBJDIR) $(WINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(BINDIR) $(TMPDIR) $(OBJDIR) $(WINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(BINDIR) $(TMPDIR): if not exist "$@/$(NUL)" mkdir "$@" ########################################################### ############### Explicit dependencies ########################################################### $(ALL_OBJS): $(PROTOH) # force recompilation of everything, if makefile changed $(Z3950_OBJS): $(GENERATED_C_FILES) $(GENERATED_H_FILES) $(ILL_OBJS): $(ILL_CORE_FILES) $(ITEM_REQ_FILES) !if $(NEW_Z3950) $(PROTOH): $(GENERATED_C_FILES) $(GENERATED_H_FILES) !endif # makes sure we generate before compiling anything, as the # new proto.h refers to the generated files, and is included # in various places ########################################################### ############### Log ########################################################### # # $Log: makefile,v $ # Revision 1.21 2001-02-28 16:56:33 adam # Added version info for WIN32. # # Revision 1.20 2000/12/01 17:56:41 adam # on WIN32 function statserv_closedown closes socket(s) to provoke close. # # Revision 1.19 2000/11/16 13:03:13 adam # Function ccl_rpn_query sets attributeSet to Bib-1. # # Revision 1.18 2000/11/01 14:47:00 adam # Added CCL support for WIN32. # # Revision 1.17 2000/10/06 12:01:12 adam # Updates regarding ASN-code generation (mostly). # # Revision 1.16 2000/05/05 13:48:15 adam # Minor changes. # # Revision 1.15 2000/04/17 14:21:38 adam # WIN32 update. # # Revision 1.14 2000/03/02 08:48:21 adam # Renamed ASN.1 compiler to yaz-comp (used to be yc.tcl). # # Revision 1.13 2000/02/28 11:13:03 adam # Removed odr_priv.obj. # # Revision 1.12 2000/01/06 11:27:16 adam # Updated for ILL. # # Revision 1.11 1999/12/21 14:16:20 ian # Changed retrieval module to allow data1 trees with no associated absyn. # Also added a simple interface for extracting values from data1 trees using # a string based tagpath. # # Revision 1.10 1999/12/08 13:10:48 adam # New version. # # Revision 1.9 1999/11/30 13:47:12 adam # Improved installation. Moved header files to include/yaz. # # Revision 1.8 1999/07/21 08:48:02 adam # Removed dmalloc.obj. # # Revision 1.7 1999/06/09 15:10:08 heikki # Cleaning up. Seems to work all right # # Revision 1.6 1999/06/09 13:33:32 heikki # Compiles and links both old and new type stuff all right # # Revision 1.5 1999/06/09 11:05:30 heikki # At least it can compile # # Revision 1.4 1999/06/09 09:41:09 heikki # More work on the ASN-generated files. # # Revision 1.3 1999/06/08 14:32:30 heikki # Proto.h works all right, removed linker warnings from server.lib # # Revision 1.2 1999/06/08 14:07:24 heikki # Renamed a pile of files # Tmpdir (to get around Ms leaving temp files around, and crashing # when too many with same number...) # # Revision 1.1 1999/06/08 12:15:41 heikki # Renamed to makefile (.nothing) (from .mak) # Working on the proto.h problems and alternative confiigurations # # Revision 1.5 1999/06/04 10:04:28 heikki # Cleaning up # # Revision 1.4 1999/06/02 13:23:29 heikki # Debug options for C compiler # # Revision 1.3 1999/05/19 08:26:22 heikki # Added comments # #