/* This file is part of the YAZ toolkit. * Copyright (C) 1995-2011 Index Data * See the file LICENSE for details. */ /* YACC CQL grammar taken verbatim from the official 1.2 spec */ %term GE LE NE AND OR NOT PROX CHARSTRING1 CHARSTRING2 SORTBY %% sortedQuery : prefixAssignment sortedQuery | scopedClause | scopedClause SORTBY sortSpec; sortSpec : sortSpec singleSpec | singleSpec; singleSpec : index modifierList | index ; cqlQuery : prefixAssignment cqlQuery | scopedClause; prefixAssignment : '>' prefix '=' uri | '>' uri; scopedClause : scopedClause booleanGroup searchClause | searchClause ; booleanGroup: boolean | boolean modifierList; boolean : AND | OR | NOT | PROX ; searchClause : '(' cqlQuery ')' | index relation searchTerm | searchTerm ; relation : comparitor | comparitor modifierList; comparitor : comparitorSymbol | namedComparitor ; comparitorSymbol : '=' | '>' | '<' | GE | LE | NE; namedComparitor : identifier; modifierList : modifierList modifier | modifier; modifier : '/' modifierName | '/' modifierName comparitorSymbol modifierValue ; prefix : term; uri : term; modifierName: term; modifierValue: term; searchTerm: term; index: term; term: identifier | AND | OR | NOT | PROX | SORTBY ; identifier: CHARSTRING1 | CHARSTRING2; %%