/* $Id: cql.y,v 1.7 2004-10-15 00:19:00 adam Exp $ Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Index Data Aps This file is part of the YAZ toolkit. See the file LICENSE. bison parser for CQL grammar. */ %{ /** * \file cql.c * \brief Implements CQL parser. * * This is a YACC parser, but since it must be reentrant, Bison is required. * The original source file is cql.y. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Node in the LALR parse tree. */ typedef struct { /** Inhereted attribute: relation */ struct cql_node *rel; /** Synthesized attribute: CQL node */ struct cql_node *cql; /** string buffer with token */ char *buf; /** length of token */ size_t len; /** size of buffer (len <= size) */ size_t size; } token; struct cql_parser { int (*getbyte)(void *client_data); void (*ungetbyte)(int b, void *client_data); void *client_data; int last_error; int last_pos; struct cql_node *top; NMEM nmem; }; #define YYSTYPE token #define YYPARSE_PARAM parm #define YYLEX_PARAM parm int yylex(YYSTYPE *lval, void *vp); int yyerror(char *s); %} %pure_parser %token TERM AND OR NOT PROX GE LE NE %expect 9 %% top: { $$.rel = cql_node_mk_sc("cql.serverChoice", "scr", 0); ((CQL_parser) parm)->top = 0; } cqlQuery1 { cql_node_destroy($$.rel); ((CQL_parser) parm)->top = $2.cql; } ; cqlQuery1: cqlQuery | cqlQuery error { cql_node_destroy($1.cql); $$.cql = 0; } ; cqlQuery: searchClause | cqlQuery boolean modifiers { $$.rel = $0.rel; } searchClause { struct cql_node *cn = cql_node_mk_boolean($2.buf); cn->u.boolean.modifiers = $3.cql; cn->u.boolean.left = $1.cql; cn->u.boolean.right = $5.cql; $$.cql = cn; } ; searchClause: '(' { $$.rel = $0.rel; } cqlQuery ')' { $$.cql = $3.cql; } | searchTerm { struct cql_node *st = cql_node_dup ($0.rel); st->u.st.term = xstrdup($1.buf); $$.cql = st; } | index relation modifiers { $$.rel = cql_node_mk_sc($1.buf, $2.buf, 0); $$.rel->u.st.modifiers = $3.cql; } searchClause { $$.cql = $5.cql; cql_node_destroy($4.rel); } | '>' searchTerm '=' searchTerm { $$.rel = $0.rel; } cqlQuery { $$.cql = cql_apply_prefix($6.cql, $2.buf, $4.buf); } | '>' searchTerm { $$.rel = $0.rel; } cqlQuery { $$.cql = cql_apply_prefix($4.cql, 0, $2.buf); } ; /* unary NOT search TERM here .. */ boolean: AND | OR | NOT | PROX ; modifiers: modifiers '/' searchTerm { struct cql_node *mod = cql_node_mk_sc($3.buf, "=", 0); mod->u.st.modifiers = $1.cql; $$.cql = mod; } | modifiers '/' searchTerm mrelation searchTerm { struct cql_node *mod = cql_node_mk_sc($3.buf, $4.buf, $5.buf); mod->u.st.modifiers = $1.cql; $$.cql = mod; } | { $$.cql = 0; } ; mrelation: '=' | '>' | '<' | GE | LE | NE ; relation: '=' | '>' | '<' | GE | LE | NE | TERM ; index: searchTerm; searchTerm: TERM | AND | OR | NOT | PROX ; %% int yyerror(char *s) { return 0; } /** * putb is a utility that puts one character to the string * in current lexical token. This routine deallocates as * necessary using NMEM. */ static void putb(YYSTYPE *lval, CQL_parser cp, int c) { if (lval->len+1 >= lval->size) { char *nb = (char *) nmem_malloc(cp->nmem, (lval->size = lval->len * 2 + 20)); memcpy (nb, lval->buf, lval->len); lval->buf = nb; } if (c) lval->buf[lval->len++] = c; lval->buf[lval->len] = '\0'; } /** * yylex returns next token for Bison to be read. In this * case one of the CQL terminals are returned. */ int yylex(YYSTYPE *lval, void *vp) { CQL_parser cp = (CQL_parser) vp; int c; lval->cql = 0; lval->rel = 0; lval->len = 0; lval->size = 10; lval->buf = (char *) nmem_malloc(cp->nmem, lval->size); lval->buf[0] = '\0'; do { c = cp->getbyte(cp->client_data); if (c == 0) return 0; if (c == '\n') return 0; } while (isspace(c)); if (strchr("()=>') { c1 = cp->getbyte(cp->client_data); if (c1 == '=') { putb(lval, cp, c1); return GE; } else cp->ungetbyte(c1, cp->client_data); } else if (c == '<') { c1 = cp->getbyte(cp->client_data); if (c1 == '=') { putb(lval, cp, c1); return LE; } else if (c1 == '>') { putb(lval, cp, c1); return NE; } else cp->ungetbyte(c1, cp->client_data); } return c; } if (c == '"') { while ((c = cp->getbyte(cp->client_data)) != 0 && c != '"') { if (c == '\\') c = cp->getbyte(cp->client_data); putb(lval, cp, c); } putb(lval, cp, 0); } else { putb(lval, cp, c); while ((c = cp->getbyte(cp->client_data)) != 0 && !strchr(" \n()=<>/", c)) { if (c == '\\') c = cp->getbyte(cp->client_data); putb(lval, cp, c); } #if YYDEBUG printf ("got %s\n", lval->buf); #endif if (c != 0) cp->ungetbyte(c, cp->client_data); if (!strcmp(lval->buf, "and")) return AND; if (!strcmp(lval->buf, "or")) return OR; if (!strcmp(lval->buf, "not")) return NOT; if (!strncmp(lval->buf, "prox", 4)) return PROX; } return TERM; } int cql_parser_stream(CQL_parser cp, int (*getbyte)(void *client_data), void (*ungetbyte)(int b, void *client_data), void *client_data) { nmem_reset(cp->nmem); cp->getbyte = getbyte; cp->ungetbyte = ungetbyte; cp->client_data = client_data; if (cp->top) cql_node_destroy(cp->top); cql_parse(cp); if (cp->top) return 0; return -1; } CQL_parser cql_parser_create(void) { CQL_parser cp = (CQL_parser) xmalloc (sizeof(*cp)); cp->top = 0; cp->getbyte = 0; cp->ungetbyte = 0; cp->client_data = 0; cp->last_error = 0; cp->last_pos = 0; cp->nmem = nmem_create(); return cp; } void cql_parser_destroy(CQL_parser cp) { cql_node_destroy(cp->top); nmem_destroy(cp->nmem); xfree (cp); } struct cql_node *cql_parser_result(CQL_parser cp) { return cp->top; }