]> (define %html-ext% ".php") (define %shade-verbatim% #t) (define newline "\U-000D") (define (html-document title-sosofo body-sosofo) (let* (;; Let's look these up once, so that we can avoid calculating ;; them over and over again. (prev (prev-chunk-element)) (next (next-chunk-element)) (prevm (prev-major-component-chunk-element)) (nextm (next-major-component-chunk-element)) (navlist (list prev next prevm nextm)) ;; Let's make it possible to control the output even in the ;; nochunks case. Note: in the nochunks case, (chunk?) will ;; return #t for only the root element. (make-entity? (and (or (not nochunks) rootchunk) (chunk?))) (make-head? (or make-entity? (and nochunks (node-list=? (current-node) (sgml-root-element))))) (doc-sosofo (if make-head? (make sequence (make formatting-instruction data: (string-append "<" "?php " newline "require \"../../id_common.inc\";" newline "id_header(\"" ) ) title-sosofo (make formatting-instruction data: (string-append "\");" newline "?" ">" ) ) (header-navigation (current-node) navlist) body-sosofo (footer-navigation (current-node) navlist) (make formatting-instruction data: (string-append "<" "?php id_footer() ?>") ) ) body-sosofo ) ) ) (if make-entity? (make entity system-id: (html-entity-file (html-file)) (if %html-pubid% (make document-type name: "HTML" public-id: %html-pubid%) (empty-sosofo)) doc-sosofo) (if (node-list=? (current-node) (sgml-root-element)) (make sequence (if %html-pubid% (make document-type name: "HTML" public-id: %html-pubid%) (empty-sosofo)) doc-sosofo) doc-sosofo) ) ) )