BIBFRAME demo This directory includes files for using the XQuery module to convert MARCXML to BIBFRAME records within Metaproxy. In order for this to work, metaproxy and the mp-xquery software modules must be installed. The conversion uses the marc2bibframe software available from here: config.xml ---------- config.xml is a complete Metaproxy configuration file. It includes a standalone configuration that makes Metaproxy offer Z39.50 and SRU support on port 9070. The modules in use are http_file (to serve XSL files), sru_z3950 (SRU service), cql_rpn (CQL to RPN conversion), xquery (to convert MARCXML to BIBFRAME), record_transform (to convert MARC21 to MARCXML), virt_db (for database rewrite), log (to perform backend logging) and, finally, z3950_client to interface a Z39.50 target. It is important that the "xquery" module comes before the "record_transform" so that the "xquery" moduel sees XML _only_ and not ISO2709-records. If it does, they will be ignored (passed through) by the "xquery" module. The xquery'module script name points to the full path of zorba3-0.xqy part of marc2bibframe . Do not move zorba3-0.xqy from its place within the marc2bibframe directory as other files are referred to and their relative location must be preserved. marcxml_raw.patch ----------------- zorba3-0.xqy must be patched before it can be used by Metaproxy's XQuery module. This is because zorba3-0.xqy at this stage do not allow "in-memory" conversion of records. For this reason, patch zorba3-0.xqy as follows: cd marc2bibframe/xbin patch < ~pathto/marcxml_raw.patch cql2pqf.txt ----------- Contains a simple DC/CQL profile for driving a CQL to RPN conversion. It is referred to from the cql_rpn filter in config.xml . explain.xml ----------- SRU explain sample configuration. It is referred to from the sru_z3950 filter in config.xml . xsl/.. ------ Client side XSL for brief - and full display. These must be located so that the http_file filter can fetch them. For example, if these files are located in /usr/share/bibframe/xsl , then http_file would hold /usr/share/bibframe/xsl true