{{! Brief record from a search. The non-metadata keys enable an optional link to display an AJAX popup that fetches additional record detail. containerClass - partial class attribute for element containing a record detailLinkId - id for the element triggering detail display detailClick - a click event handler for details renderedDetails - active record details rendered from the details template md-* - metadata fields passed through from backend }} {{#if md-thumburl}} {{/if}}
{{md-title}} {{#if md-title-remainder}} {{md-title-remainder}} {{/if}} {{#if md-author}} {{md-author}} {{else}} {{#if md-title-responsibility}} {{md-title-responsibility}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if md-description}}
{{/if}} {{#if md-date}} {{md-date}} {{/if}} {{#if renderedDetails}} {{{renderedDetails}}} {{/if}}