% The MasterKey Widget Set developer's guide % Mike Taylor % 11 August 2014 Introduction ============ Development with MKWS consists primarily of defining new types of widgets. These can interact with the core functionality is several defined ways. You create a new widget type by calling the mkws.registerWidgetType function, passing in the widget name and a function. The name is used to recognise HTML elements as being widgets of this type -- for example, if you register a "Foo" widget, elements like
will be widgets of this type. The function promotes a bare widget object (passed as `this') into a widget of the appropriate type. MKWS doesn't use classes or explicit prototypes: it just makes objects that have the necessary behaviours. Widgets have *no* behaviours that they have to provide: you can make a doesn't-do-anything-at-all widget if you like: mkws.registerWidgetType('Sluggard', function() {}); More commonly, widgets will subscribe to one or more events, so that they're notified when something interesting happens. For example, the "Log" widget asks to be notified when a "log" event happens, and appends the logged message to its node, as follows: mkws.registerWidgetType('Log', function() { var that = this; this.team.queue("log").subscribe(function(teamName, timestamp, message) { $(that.node).append(teamName + ": " + timestamp + message + "
"); }); }); This simple widget illustrates several important points: * The base widget object (`this') has several baked-in properties and methods that are available to individual widgets. These include this.team (the team that this widget is a part of) and this.node (the DOM element of the widget). * The team object (`this.team') also has baked-in properties and methods. These include the queue function, which takes an event-name as its argument. It's possible to subscribe to an event's queue using this.team.queue("EVENT").subscribe. The argument is a function which is called whenever the event is published. The arguments to the function are different for different events. * The value of `this' is lost inside the subscribe callback, so it must be saved if it's to be used inside that callback (typically as a local variable named `that'). Specialisation (Inheritance) ============================ Many widgets are simple specialisations of existing widgets. For example, the "Record" widget is the same as the "Records" widget except that it defaults to displaying a single record. It's defined as follows: mkws.registerWidgetType('Record', function() { mkws.promotionFunction('Records').call(this); if (!this.config.maxrecs) this.config.maxrecs = 1; }); Remember that when a promotion function is called, it's passed a base widget object that's not specialised for any particular task. To make a specialised widget, first promote that base widget into the type that you want to specialise from -- in this case, "Records" -- using the promotion function that's been registered for that type. Once this has been done, the specialisations can be introduced. In this case, it's a very simple matter of changing the "maxrecs" configuration setting to 1 unless it's already been given an explicit value. (That would occur if the HTML used an element like
, though it's not obvious why anyone would do that.) Widget Properties and Methods ============================= String this.type A string containing the type of the widget. Team this.team The team object to which this widget belongs. The team has several additional important properties and methods, described below. DOMElement this.node The DOM element of the widget Hash this.config A table of configuration values for the widget. This table inherits missing values from the team's configuration, which in turn inherits from the top-level MKWS configuration, which inherits from the default configuration. Instances of widgets in HTML can set configuration items as HTML attributes, as in
. String this.toString() A function returning a string that briefly names this widget. Can be useful in logging. Void this.log(string) A function to log a string for debugging purposes. The string is written on the browser console, and also published to any "log" subcribers. String this.value() A function returning the value of the widget's HTML element. Team methods ============ Since the team object is supposed to be opaque to widgets, all access is via the following API methods rather than direct access to properties. String team.name() Bool team.submitted() Num team.perpage() Num team.totalRecordCount() Num team.currentPage(); String team.currentRecordId() String team.currentRecordData() Simple accessor functions that provide the ability to read properties of the team. Array team.filters() Another accessor function, providing access to the array of prevailing filters (which narrow the search results by means of Pazpar2 filters and limits). This is really too complicated an object for the widgets to be given access to, but it's convenient to do it this way. See the "Navi" widget, which is the only place it's used. Hash team.config() Access to the team's configuration settings. There is almost certainly no reason to use this: the settings that haven't been overridden are accessible via this.config. Void team.set_sortOrder(string) Void team.set_perpage(number) "Setter" functions for the team's sortOrder and perpage functions. Unlikely to be needed outside of the "Sort" and "Perpage" widgets. Queue team.queue(eventName) Returns the queue associated with the named event: this can be used to subscribe to the event (or more rarely to publish it). Bool team.targetFiltered(targetId) Indicates whether the specified target has been filtered by selection as a facet. Void team.newSearch(query, sortOrder, maxrecs, perpage, limit, targets, targetfilter) Starts a new search with the specified parameters. All but the query may be omitted, in which case the prevailing defaults are used. Void team.reShow() Using the existing search, re-shows the result records after a change in sort-order, per-page count, etc. String team.recordElementId(recordId) Utility function for converting a record identifer (returned from Pazpar2) into a version suitable for use as an HTML element ID. String team.renderDetails(recordData) Utility function returns an HTML rendering of the record represented by the specified data. Template team.loadTemplate(templateName) Loads (or retrieves from cache) the named Handlebars template, and returns it in a form that can be invoked as a function, passed a data-set. Some of these methods either (A) are really too low-level and should not be exposed, or (B) should be widget-level methods. The present infelicities reflect the fact that some code that rightly belongs in widgets is still in the team. When we finish migrating it, the widget API should get simpler.