OVERVIEW ======== The MasterKey Widget Set, or MKWS, provides HTML/JS/CSS widgets that can be dropped into ANY website, irrespective of CMS or lack thereof, to enable MasterKey searching. See the contents of the "doc" directory for further documentation. WHAT'S WHAT =========== README -- this file LICENSE -- The GNU LGPL (Lesser General Public Licence) Makefile -- delegates to tools/htdocs/Makefile src -- source-code that is compiled into the tools area tools -- the tools that make up the Widget Set examples -- examples of applications that use MKWS doc -- documentation (in Markdown, compiles to HTML) test -- regression-testing scripts notes -- internal documents, not for customers Required devel tools ==================== If you are building the widget set, as opposed to just using it, you will need the following Debian packages (or their equivalents on your operating system): $ sudo apt-get install curl git pandoc yui-compressor libbsd-resource-perl You also need Node.js, but unfortunately the node-js package is not available for Debian wheezy. You can either get it from wheezy-backports or download the source from http://nodejs.org/download/ and build it yourself. You need node and npm, its package manager: make install puts them into /usr/local/bin. To compile the default templates you'll need to install the stable version of Handlebars. Currently it's at 2.0.0 and available by npm: npm install handlebars@2.0.0 -g For apache setup, see tools/apache2/README NEWS ==== see tools/htdocs/NEWS