OVERVIEW ======== The MasterKey Widget Set, or MKWS, is a project to create some very simple HTML/JS/CSS widgets that can be dropped into ANY website, irrespective of CMS or lack thereof, to enable MasterKey searching. The top level bug for discussing this is https://jira.indexdata.com/browse/MKWS-1 and a high-level description can be found at https://twiki.indexdata.com/twiki/bin/view/ID/MasterKeyWidgetSet WHAT'S WHAT =========== README -- this file Makefile -- delegates to tools/htdocs/Makefile tools -- the tools that make up the Widget Set examples -- examples of applications that use MKWS notes -- internal documents, not for customers Required devel tools ==================== on debian, you will need: $ sudo apt-get install curl git-core pandoc yui-compressor NEWS ========= see tools/htdocs/NEWS