The masterkey-lui-solr5 package contains a number of changes from the masterkey-lui-solr4 family of packages. The good news is that **indexes created with masterkey-lui-solr4 are compatible with masterkey-lui-solr5**. That said, the move to Solr 5 requires significant changes to schema.xml and to solrconfig.xml, so older versions of those files are not compatible. Any customizations will need to be backported into those files. Also, because of the schema and solrconfig incompatibilities, Solr 4- and Solr 5-based installations cannot be in a replication relationship together (master-slave pairs must be all Solr 4 or all Solr 5). Major Changes ============= * masterkey-lui-solr5 is based on Solr 5, which does not require a separate Java servlet container. That simplifies packaging and installation significantly, as there is no longer any need for Tomcat integration. There is only one package to install, masterkey-lui-solr5. * masterkey-lui-solr5 is installed as a separate service, since it no longer runs under Tomcat. The service name is "lui-solr", and files and processes are owned by the "lui-solr" user (created as part of the package installation). * The default port for masterkey-lui-solr5 is the same as the Solr 5 default port, 8983, to prevent conflicts when upgrading a lui-solr installation that is on the same system as a MasterKey Harvester installation (which runs by default under Tomcat on port 8080). This may require changes to Harvester datasource settings and/or search target settings for existing installations. The Solr port can be set by the user in the configuration file /etc/masterkey/lui/ (look for the SOLR_PORT variable). * Solr 5 no longer has the feature of serving up a default core ("collection1") on the root of the web application. The masterkey-lui-solr5 installs a default core named "lui", addressable at http://localhost:8983/solr/lui. This may also require changes to Harvester and search target settings. * Cores are defined in the /etc/masterkey/lui/solr-home directory. Indexes are stored by default in /var/lib/masterkey/lui/data/. * There are no longer separate packages for master and slave configurations. To configure a lui-solr core as a slave, edit the configuration file /etc/masterkey/lui/solr-home//conf/solrconfig.xml. Look for the "/replication" requestHandler. * SolrCloud support (which was mostly aspirational, to be honest) is no longer available as a separate package. * Package layout has changed somewhat, to better conform with the Linux FSH and with other applications in the MasterKey Platform: * All configuration files are now found in /etc/masterkey/lui. Core configuration (schema and solrconfig) are in /etc/masterkey/lui/solr-home. Solr environment and logging are controlled by /etc/masterkey/lui/ and /etc/masterkey/lui/, respectively. * /usr/share/masterkey/lui contains only the runtime files for Solr. * Data files for Solr cores are in /var/lib/masterkey/lui/data. * Logs for lui-solr are in /var/log/masterkey/lui. Upgrading an existing lui-solr installation =========================================== 1. (Recommended) Back up the existing Solr index using the Solr backup API (). 2. Shut down the Solr web application on the Tomcat server. Remove the link to the deployment context fragment from /etc/tomcat<6|8>/Catalina/localhost/. 3. Back up any customizations made to files in the /usr/share/masterkey/lui/solr4//conf/ directory. These will need to be backported into the configuration for the Solr 5 core (installed in /etc/masterkey/lui/solr-home/lui/conf/ by the masterkey-lui-solr5 package). 4. Remove any masterkey-lui-solr4* packages installed on the system. This may include masterkey-lui-solr4-common, masterkey-lui-solr4-master, masterkey-lui-solr4-slave, masterkey-lui-solr4-zookeeper, masterkey-lui-solr4-common-tomcat6, masterkey-lui-solr4-master-tomcat6, masterkey-lui-solr4-slave-tomcat6, masterkey-lui-solr4-common-tomcat8, masterkey-lui-solr4-master-tomcat8, and masterkey-lui-solr4-slave-tomcat8 5. Install the masterkey-lui-solr5 package using the instructions in 6. Make any updates necessary to the configuration files in /etc/masterkey/lui and restart the lui-solr service. You should be able to point to your existing index by editing /etc/masterkey/lui/solr-home/lui/solrconfig.xml and altering the entry for ``.