<%once> sub print_navlink { my($params, $cond, $caption, $skip) = @_; if ($cond) { print(' $caption\n"); } else { print qq[ $caption\n]; } } sub navlink { my($params, $caption, $skip) = @_; local $params->{_skip} = $skip; my $url = "?" . join("&", map { "$_=" . $params->{$_} } sort keys %$params); $url = xml_encode($url); return $url; } # Just make this once; forge the connection on first use our $conn = undef; <%perl> my %params = map { ( $_, utf8param($r, $_)) } grep { &utf8param($r, $_) } &utf8param($r); my $query; if ($params{_query}) { $query = $params{_query}; } else { $query = ""; foreach my $key (keys %params) { next if $key =~ /^_/; my $val = $params{$key}; next if $val eq ""; $query .= " and " if $query ne ""; $query .= "$key = ($val)"; } } $query = 'cql.allRecords=1' if $query eq ""; my $sort = $params{"_sort"}; if ($sort) { my $modifiers = ""; if ($sort =~ s/(\/.*)//) { $modifiers = $1; } $query .= " or $sort=/sort"; $query .= "-desc" if $params{_desc}; $query .= $modifiers; $query .= " 0"; } my $tried_to_open = 0; if (!defined $conn) { OPEN: my $db = ZOOM::IRSpy::connect_to_registry(); $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($db); $conn->option(elementSetName => "zeerex"); $conn->option(count => 20); } my $rs; eval { $rs = $conn->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($query)) }; if ($@ && ref $@ && $@->isa('ZOOM::Exception') && $@->code() == ZOOM::Error::CONNECTION_LOST && !$tried_to_open) { $tried_to_open = 1; goto OPEN; } elsif ($@) { die $@; } my $n = $rs->size(); my $skip = $params{"_skip"} || 0; my $count = $params{"_count"} || 10; my $first = $skip+1; my $last = $first+$count-1; $last = $n if $last > $n;

% if ($n == 0) { No matches % } elsif ($first > $n) { %# "Can't happen" Past end of <% $n %> records % } else { Records <% $first %> to <% $last %> of <% $n %>
<%perl> print_navlink(\%params, $skip > 0, "Prev", $count < $skip ? $skip-$count : 0); print_navlink(\%params, $last < $n, "Next", $skip+$count); % }

% if ($n > 0 && $first <= $n) { % my @ids; % $rs->records($first-1, $last-$first+1); ## Force pre-cache % foreach my $i ($first .. $last) { <%perl> my $xc = irspy_xpath_context($rs->record($i-1)); my $title = $xc->find("e:databaseInfo/e:title") || "[UNTITLED]"; my $reliability = calc_reliability_string($xc); my $host = $xc->find("e:serverInfo/e:host"); my $port = $xc->find("e:serverInfo/e:port"); my $db = $xc->find("e:serverInfo/e:database"); my $id = irspy_record2identifier($xc); push @ids, $id; % }
# Title Host Connection Reliability <& /help/link.mc, help => "info/reliability" &> Host Port DB
<% $i %> <% xml_encode($title) %> <% xml_encode($reliability, "", { nbsp => 1 }) %> <% xml_encode($host, "") %> <% xml_encode($port, "") %> <% xml_encode($db, "") %> Test " title="Edit this target's record">Edit XML
<%perl> print_navlink(\%params, $skip > 0, "Prev", $count < $skip ? $skip-$count : 0); print_navlink(\%params, $last < $n, "Next", $skip+$count);

[Test all targets on this list]

[Statistics for targets on this list]

% }