%# $Id: edit.mc,v 1.2 2006-10-27 00:47:24 mike Exp $ <%args> $id <%once> use ZOOM; <%perl> my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection("localhost:3313/IR-Explain---1"); $conn->option(elementSetName => "zeerex"); my $qid = $id; $qid =~ s/"/\\"/g; my $query = qq[rec.id="$qid"]; my $rs = $conn->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($query)); my $n = $rs->size(); if ($n == 0) { $m->comp("/details/error.mc", title => "Error", message => "No such ID '$id'"); } else { my $rec = $rs->record(0); my $xc = irspy_xpath_context($rec); my @fields = ( [ protocol => 0, "Protocol", "e:serverInfo/\@protocol" ], [ host => 0, "Host", "e:serverInfo/e:host" ], [ port => 0, "Port", "e:serverInfo/e:port" ], [ dbname => 0, "Database Name", "e:serverInfo/e:database" ], [ username => 0, "Username (if needed)", "e:serverInfo/e:authentication/e:user" ], [ password => 0, "Password (if needed)", "e:serverInfo/e:authentication/e:password" ], [ title => 0, "title", "e:databaseInfo/e:title", lang => "en", primary => "true" ], [ description => 5, "Description", "e:databaseInfo/e:description", lang => "en", primary => "true" ], [ author => 0, "Author", "e:databaseInfo/e:author" ], [ contact => 0, "Contact", "e:databaseInfo/e:contact" ], [ extent => 3, "Extent", "e:databaseInfo/e:extent" ], [ history => 5, "History", "e:databaseInfo/e:history" ], [ language => 0, "Language of Records", "e:databaseInfo/e:langUsage" ], [ restrictions => 2, "Restrictions", "e:databaseInfo/e:restrictions" ], [ subjects => 2, "Subjects", "e:databaseInfo/e:subjects" ], ### Remember to set e:metaInfo/e:dateModified );

<% xml_encode($id) %>

<%perl> foreach my $ref (@fields) { my($name, $nlines, $caption, $xpath, %attrs) = @$ref; % }
<% $caption %> % my $data = xml_encode($xc->find($xpath)); % if ($nlines) { % } else { % }
% }