<%args> $debug => undef $title $component <%once> use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape uri_escape_utf8); use ZOOM; use ZOOM::IRSpy::Web; use ZOOM::IRSpy::Utils qw(utf8param trimField isodate xml_encode cql_target cql_quote irspy_xpath_context irspy_make_identifier irspy_record2identifier irspy_identifier2target modify_xml_document bib1_access_point calc_reliability_string); % $r->content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8"); % my $text = $m->scomp($component, %ARGS); IRSpy: <% xml_encode($title) %>

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% foreach my $i ('a' .. 'z') { <% uc($i) %> % } [Others]

<%perl> # Find the identifier to use in the record-specific menu, if any. If # the identifier components are all present (e.g. because a record has # just been edited or copied) we make an ID from those; otherwise we # use the "id" parameter, if specified. my $id = utf8param($r, "id"); { # Make up ID for newly created records. my $protocol = utf8param($r, "protocol"); my $host = utf8param($r, "host"); my $port = utf8param($r, "port"); my $dbname = utf8param($r, "dbname"); #warn "id='$id', protocol='$protocol' host='$host', port='$port', dbname='$dbname'"; #warn "%ARGS = {\n" . join("", map { "\t'$_' => '" . $ARGS{$_} . ",'\n" } sort keys %ARGS) . "}\n"; if (defined $protocol && defined $host && defined $port && defined $dbname) { $id = irspy_make_identifier($protocol, $host, $port, $dbname); #warn "id set to '$id'"; } } % if (defined $id) {
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% my $host = "bagel.indexdata.dk"; % my $port = 210; All databases on this server
% }



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  % print $text;

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