# Sample configuration for running an IRSpy web-site under Apache 2.x. # # This is the configuration that I use on the development machine # # /home/indexdata/irspy # # This file can be included in the Apache configuration by adding a # line like this to apache.conf or one of its included files: # Include /home/indexdata/irspy/web/conf/apache2.0/irspy.conf # # For debian & unbuntu: please read irspy/README for a list of depending packages # # # an irspy toroid process takes up to 90MB for each request # 90*32 => 3GB RAM # MaxClients 32 ServerName irspy.indexdata.com ServerAlias irspy02.indexdata.com irspy irspy-dev.indexdata.com irspy-dev ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/irspy-error.log CustomLog /var/log/apache2/irspy-access.log combined DocumentRoot /home/indexdata/irspy/web/htdocs SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler PerlSetVar MasonArgsMethod mod_perl PerlAddVar MasonCompRoot "private => /home/indexdata/irspy/web/htdocs" PerlSetVar MasonDataDir /home/indexdata/irspy/web/data PerlSetVar IRSpyLibDir /home/indexdata/irspy/lib PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /home/indexdata/irspy/lib #PerlSetEnv IRSpyDbName localhost:8018/IR-Explain---1 # We need +Parent to make PerlSwitches -I work properly ... don't ask. PerlOptions +Parent PerlSwitches -I/home/indexdata/irspy/lib AuthType Basic AuthName "IRSpy Administration" AuthUserFile /home/indexdata/irspy/web/conf/htpasswd Require user admin irspy ProxyRequests off Order deny,allow Allow from all # map /toroid to CGI script irspy-toroid.cgi ScriptAlias /toroid/records /home/indexdata/irspy-toroid/irspy-toroid.cgi # legacy ruby daemon #ProxyPass /toroid/ http://localhost:12367/ #ProxyPassReverse /toroid/ http://localhost:12367/ # compress output AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml SetOutputFilter DEFLATE