# $Id: gfs-config.rnc,v 1.1 2006-02-16 10:43:15 mike Exp $ namespace explain = "http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/" namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0" yazgfs = element yazgfs { attlist.yazgfs, listen*, server+ } attlist.yazgfs &= empty listen = element listen { attlist.listen, text } attlist.listen &= attribute id { text }? server = element server { attlist.server, host?, directory?, config?, cql2rpn?, explain? } attlist.server &= attribute id { text }?, attribute listenref { text }? host = element host { attlist.host, text } attlist.host &= empty directory = element directory { attlist.directory, text } attlist.directory &= empty config = element config { attlist.config, text } attlist.config &= empty cql2rpn = element cql2rpn { attlist.cql2rpn, text } attlist.cql2rpn &= empty # It's a shame that we have to include a partial ZeeRex DTD here explain = element explain:explain { attlist.explain, serverInfo? } attlist.explain &= [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute authoritative { "true" | "false" }?, attribute id { text }? serverInfo = element explain:serverInfo { attlist.serverInfo, explainHost, port, database } attlist.serverInfo &= empty explainHost = element explain:host { attlist.explainHost, text } attlist.explainHost &= empty port = element explain:port { attlist.port, text } attlist.port &= empty database = element explain:database { attlist.database, text } attlist.database &= empty start = yazgfs