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Changes in SRU from Versions 1.1 to 1.2

SRU Version 1.2 is in development and will be released soon. This page summarizes the differences from version 1.1.

CQL Changes

  1. CQL renamed the "contextual query language".
  2. 'scr' relation eliminated. '=' becomes (in effect) server choice. When relation is omitted, '=' is assumed.
  3. 'adj' relation defined for word adjacency.
  4. 'exact' relation eliminated. Replaced by '=='.
  5. 'regexp' relation modifier defined.
  6. Sorting is added as a cql feature (the 'sortby' clause).
  7. Proximity. Defaults are now server defined, not standard defined. Hence "prox" can be anything the server wants to do proximately, not necessarily with a default of adjacency.

    Proximity units (other than in cql set) are treated such that "unit" is a value in a context set, rather than the unit value being a value in a context set.  Proximity units 'word', 'sentence', 'paragraph', which are included in the cql set, are explicitly undefined.

Protocol Changes

  1. Record identifier (optional) added to record structure.
  2. XCQL parameter becomes optional.
  3. XPath parameter dropped (will become an extension).
  4. base url added to response.
  5. record hits incorporated into xcql.
  6. Z39.92 replaces explain.
  7. Sorting is no longer a protocol function (see point 6 in CQL list).


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