{ # $Id: targets.egw,v 1.2 1995/10/27 15:12:05 adam Exp $ source /usr/local/etc/httpd/conf/ztargets.conf } Europagate, WWW/Z39.50 Gateway
Part of Europagate is a World Wide Web to Z39.50 gateway. The gateway provides search and retrieve facilities in the databases of various libraries.

Europagate is a project in the EU libraries Programme carried out by:
University College Dublin
Technical University & Library of Denmark
Library Council
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Choose a Z39.50 target:
{ foreach t [array names targets] { html {
} $t {} htmlr "
" [lindex $targets($t) 0] } }

This page is maintained by Peter Wad Hansen . Last modified 25. september 1995.
This and the following pages are under construction and will continue to be so until the end of December 1995.
sessionId: {html $sessionId}
sessionParms: {html $sessionParms}
{ foreach e {SERVER_NAME PATH_INFO SCRIPT_NAME} { htmlr $e {: } $env($e) {
} } }