{ # $Id: query.egw,v 1.3 1995/10/27 17:30:15 adam Exp $ proc fail-response {} { global sessionWait htmlr {Init fail
} set sessionWait 0 } proc init-response {} { global sessionWait htmlr {Init ok
} htmlr {} htmlr {} set sessionWait 0 } set t $sessionParms set databases [lindex $targets($t) 1] set sessionWait 1 ir z39 z39 failback fail-response z39 connect $t z39 callback init-response z39 init } WWW/Z39.50 Gateway Query Form

Search in databases

Not Functional Yet

{ html {
} set nodb [llength $databases] if {$nodb > 1} { if {$nodb > 2} { htmlr {The chosen target supports searching in several databases.
} htmlr {Choose the bases you want to search:
} } set i 0 foreach d $databases { html { } $d } else { htmlr {" checked> } $d } } htmlr {
} if {$nodb > 2} { html { All
} } } }
Input your search criteria:
{ set fields [lindex $targets($t) 2] for {set no 1} {$no < 4} {incr no} { htmlr { htmlr {} if {$no < 3} { htmlr {} } htmlr
} }

Alternatively you can enter your query in CCL here:

Various technical parameters:
Max hits: Records are shown in:

This page is maintained by Peter Wad Hansen . Last modified 29. september 1995.
This and the following pages are under construction and will continue to be so until the end of December 1995.
sessionId: {html $sessionId}
sessionParms: {html $sessionParms}
{ foreach e {SERVER_NAME PATH_INFO SCRIPT_NAME} { htmlr $e {: } $env($e) {
} } } form: {html [form]}
target: {html $t}
databases: {html $databases}