%# $Id: edit.mc,v 1.23 2006-12-05 17:37:18 mike Exp $
$id => undef
$update => undef
Since this form is used in many different situations, some care is
merited in considering the possibilities:
Situation Op ID Update
Blank form for adding a new target new
New target rejected, changes required new X
New target accepted and added new X
Existing target to be edited edit X
Edit rejected, changes required edit X X
Target successfully updated edit X X
Existing target to be copied copy X
New target rejected, changes required copy X X
New target accepted and added copy X X
Submissions, whether of new targets, edits or copies, may be rejected
due either to missing mandatory fields or host/name/port that form a
duplicate ID.
# Sanity checking
die "op = new but id defined" if $op eq "new" && defined $id;
die "op != new but id undefined" if $op ne "new" && !defined $id;
my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection("localhost:3313/IR-Explain---1", 0,
user => "admin", password => "fruitbat",
elementSetName => "zeerex");
my $rec = '
(New ID specified.)
\n]; $id = undef; } } else { # No ID supplied -- this is a brand new record my $host = $r->param("host"); my $port = $r->param("port"); my $dbname = $r->param("dbname"); if (!defined $host || $host eq "" || !defined $port || $port eq "" || !defined $dbname || $dbname eq "") { print qq[You must specify host, port and database name.
\n] if $update; undef $update; } else { my $query = cql_target($host, $port, $dbname); my $rs = $conn->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($query)); if ($rs->size() > 0) { my $fakeid = xml_encode(uri_escape("$host:$port/$dbname")); print qq[There is already a record for this host, port and database name.
\n]; undef $update; } } } my $xc = irspy_xpath_context($rec); my @fields = ( [ title => 0, "Name", "e:databaseInfo/e:title", qw() ], [ country => 0, "Country", "i:status/i:country" ], [ protocol => [ qw(Z39.50 SRW SRU SRW/U) ], "Protocol", "e:serverInfo/\@protocol" ], [ host => 0, "Host", "e:serverInfo/e:host" ], [ port => 0, "Port", "e:serverInfo/e:port" ], [ dbname => 0, "Database Name", "e:serverInfo/e:database", qw(e:host e:port) ], [ type => [ "", qw(Academic Public Corporate Special National Education Other) ], "Type of Library", "i:status/i:libraryType" ], [ username => 0, "Username (if needed)", "e:serverInfo/e:authentication/e:user", qw() ], [ password => 0, "Password (if needed)", "e:serverInfo/e:authentication/e:password", qw(e:user) ], [ description => 5, "Description", "e:databaseInfo/e:description", qw(e:title) ], [ author => 0, "Author", "e:databaseInfo/e:author", qw(e:title e:description) ], [ hosturl => 0, "URL to Hosting Organisation", "i:status/i:hostURL" ], [ contact => 0, "Contact", "e:databaseInfo/e:contact", qw(e:title e:description) ], [ extent => 3, "Extent", "e:databaseInfo/e:extent", qw(e:title e:description) ], [ history => 5, "History", "e:databaseInfo/e:history", qw(e:title e:description) ], [ language => 0, "Language of Records", "e:databaseInfo/e:langUsage", qw(e:title e:description) ], [ restrictions => 2, "Restrictions", "e:databaseInfo/e:restrictions", qw(e:title e:description) ], [ subjects => 2, "Subjects", "e:databaseInfo/e:subjects", qw(e:title e:description) ], ); # Update record with submitted data my %fieldsByKey = map { ( $_->[0], $_) } @fields; my %data; foreach my $key ($r->param()) { next if grep { $key eq $_ } qw(op id update); $data{$key} = $r->param($key); } my @changedFields = modify_xml_document($xc, \%fieldsByKey, \%data); if ($update && @changedFields) { my @x = modify_xml_document($xc, { dateModified => [ dateModified => 0, "Data/time modified", "e:metaInfo/e:dateModified" ] }, { dateModified => isodate(time()) }); die "Didn't set dateModified!" if !@x; ZOOM::IRSpy::_really_rewrite_record($conn, $xc->getContextNode()); } %perl>
The record has been <% $op ne "edit" ? "created" : "updated" %>.
Changed <% $nchanges %> field<% $nchanges == 1 ? "" : "s" %>:
<% join(", ", map { xml_encode($_->[2]) } @changedFields) %>.
$x\n"; } %perl>