set xlabel "runs" set ylabel "seconds" plot [0:] [0:] \ 'times-b.log' using 3 title 'ISAMB(user)' with linespoints, \ 'times-b.log' using 2 title 'ISAMB(total)' with linespoints, \ 'times-c.log' using 3 title 'ISAMC(user)' with linespoints, \ 'times-c.log' using 2 title 'ISAMC(total)' with linespoints, \ 'times-d.log' using 3 title 'ISAMD(user)' with linespoints, \ 'times-d.log' using 2 title 'ISAMD(total)' with linespoints set output "" set terminal postscript replot set output set terminal x11 pause -1 "Hit return to continue"