#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id: zselect,v 1.1 2006-09-25 11:43:21 mike Exp $ use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; use ZOOM; use XML::LibXML; use XML::LibXML::XPathContext; my %opts = (t => "p"); if (!getopts('t:', \%opts) || @ARGV != 3) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-t queryType] Query types: p Query is in prefix query format (PQF) [default] c Query is in CCL, sent directly to server q Query is in CQL, sent directly to server C Query is in CCL, translated on client side Q Query is in CQL, translated on client side "; exit 1; } my($target, $qstring, $xpath) = @ARGV; my $type = $opts{t}; my %type2class = ( p => "PQF", c => "CCL", # Bizarrely, not yet implemented in ZOOM q => "CQL", C => "CCL2RPN", Q => "CQL2RPN", ); my $class = $type2class{$type}; if (!defined $class) { print STDERR "$0: unrecognised query type '$type'\n"; exit 2; } my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($target); my $query = "ZOOM::Query::$class"->new($qstring, $conn); $conn->option(presentChunk => 50); my $rs = $conn->search($query); my $n = $rs->size(); #print "found $n record", ($n==1 ? "" : "s"), "\n"; $rs->option(preferredRecordSyntax => "xml"); $conn->option(elementSetName => "zeerex"); my $parser = new XML::LibXML(); foreach my $i (1..$n) { my $rec = $rs->record($i-1); my $xml = $rec->render(); my $doc = $parser->parse_string($xml); my $root = $doc->getDocumentElement(); my $xc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($root); register_namespaces($xc); print $xc->find($xpath), "\n"; } # I feel really bad about having to have a hardwired list of supported # namespaces, but since it's entirely the fault of LibXML's retarded # lack of proper namespace support in its XPath handling, I am not # going to let it spoil my day. # sub register_namespaces { my($xc) = @_; $xc->registerNs(zeerex => 'http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/'); # More to come }