Package org.marc4j

Classes to read and write MARC and MARCXML records.


Interface Summary
MarcReader Implement this interface to provide an iterator over a collection of Record objects.
MarcWriter Implement this interface to provide a writer for Record objects.

Class Summary
Constants Defines constant values.
ErrorHandler Defines and describes errors encountered in the processing a given MARC record.
MarcDirStreamReader A Marc reader which instead of handling a single file of MARC records it handles a directory, which it will scan for all .mrc files, and iterate through all of them in turn.
MarcPermissiveStreamReader An iterator over a collection of MARC records in ISO 2709 format, that is designed to be able to handle MARC records that have errors in their structure or their encoding.
MarcStreamReader An iterator over a collection of MARC records in ISO 2709 format.
MarcStreamWriter Class for writing MARC record objects in ISO 2709 format.
MarcXmlHandler Creates Record objects from SAX events and pushes each item onto the top of the RecordStack.
MarcXmlParser Creates Record objects from SAX events and pushes each item onto the top of the RecordStack.
MarcXmlParserThread Extends Thread to produce Record objects from MARCXML data.
MarcXmlReader An iterator over a collection of MARC records in MARCXML format.
MarcXmlWriter Class for writing MARC record objects in MARCXML format.
RecordStack Provides push and pop operations for Record objects created by MarcXmlParser.

Exception Summary
MarcException Thrown in various situations by MARC4J; may contain a nested exception.

Package org.marc4j Description

Classes to read and write MARC and MARCXML records. MARC4J should be able to process formats like MARC21 and UNIMARC.

Use MarcStreamReader to read MARC records and MarcStreamWriter to write records in MARC format. Use MarcXmlReader to read MARCXML records and MarcXmlWriter to write records in MARCXML format.

Copyright © 2002-2006 Bas Peters. All Rights Reserved.