Uses of Interface

Packages that use VariableField
org.marc4j.marc Interfaces for the record object model. 
org.marc4j.marc.impl Default implementation of the MARC record object model. 

Uses of VariableField in org.marc4j.marc

Subinterfaces of VariableField in org.marc4j.marc
 interface ControlField
          Represents a control field in a MARC record.
 interface DataField
          Represents a data field in a MARC record.

Methods in org.marc4j.marc that return VariableField
 VariableField Record.getVariableField(String tag)
          Returns the first instance of the variable field with the given tag.

Methods in org.marc4j.marc with parameters of type VariableField
 void Record.addVariableField(VariableField field)
          Adds a VariableField.
 void Record.removeVariableField(VariableField field)
          Removes a variable field from the collection.

Uses of VariableField in org.marc4j.marc.impl

Classes in org.marc4j.marc.impl that implement VariableField
 class ControlFieldImpl
          Represents a control field in a MARC record.
 class DataFieldImpl
          Represents a data field in a MARC record.
 class VariableFieldImpl
          Represents a variable field in a MARC record.

Methods in org.marc4j.marc.impl that return VariableField
 VariableField RecordImpl.getVariableField(String tag)

Methods in org.marc4j.marc.impl with parameters of type VariableField
 void RecordImpl.addVariableField(VariableField field)
          Adds a VariableField being a ControlField or DataField.
 void RecordImpl.removeVariableField(VariableField field)

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