[yaz-moved-to-github.git] / yaz-client-man.xml
1 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" 
2  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1/docbookx.dtd"
3 [
4      <!ENTITY % common  SYSTEM "common/common.ent">
5      %common;
6      <!ENTITY yaz-client-commands SYSTEM "yaz-client-commands.xml">
7 ]>
8 <!-- $Id: yaz-client-man.xml,v 1.9 2006-05-24 12:33:21 adam Exp $ -->
9 <refentry id="yaz-client">
11  <refmeta>
12   <refentrytitle>yaz-client</refentrytitle>
13   <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
14  </refmeta>
16  <refnamediv>
17   <refname>yaz-client</refname>
18   <refpurpose>Z39.50/SRW client for implementors</refpurpose>
19  </refnamediv>
21  <refsynopsisdiv>
22   <cmdsynopsis>
23    <command>yaz-client</command>
24    <arg choice="opt"><option>-a <replaceable>filename</replaceable></option></arg>
25    <arg choice="opt"><option>-b <replaceable>filename</replaceable></option></arg>
26    <arg choice="opt"><option>-c <replaceable>filename</replaceable></option></arg>
27    <arg choice="opt"><option>-d <replaceable>dump</replaceable></option></arg>
28    <arg choice="opt"><option>-k <replaceable>size</replaceable></option></arg>
29    <arg choice="opt"><option>-m <replaceable>filename</replaceable></option></arg>
30    <arg choice="opt"><option>-p <replaceable>addr</replaceable></option></arg>
31    <arg choice="opt"><option>-q <replaceable>filename</replaceable></option></arg>
32    <arg choice="opt"><option>-u <replaceable>auth</replaceable></option></arg>
33    <arg choice="opt"><option>-xV</option></arg>
34    <arg choice="opt">addr</arg>
35   </cmdsynopsis>
37  </refsynopsisdiv>
39   <refsect1><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
40    <para>
41     <command>yaz-client</command> is a Z39.50/SRW client (origin) with a
42     simple command line interface that allows you to test behavior and
43     performance of Z39.50 targets and SRW servers.
44    </para>
45    <para>
46     If the <replaceable>addr</replaceable> is specified, the client creates
47     a connection to the Z39.50/SRW target at the address given.
48    </para>
49   <para>
50    When <command>yaz-client</command> is invoked it attemps to read the
51    following files:
52    <literal>$HOME/.yazclientrc</literal> (home directory, Unix only) and
53    <literal>.yazclientrc</literal> (current directory - any platform)
54    For those files that are readable, the YAZ client executes commands
55    in those files. See COMMANDS section for description of commands.
56   </para>
57  </refsect1>
58   <refsect1>
59    <title>OPTIONS</title>
60    <variablelist>
61     <varlistentry>
62      <term>-a <replaceable>filename</replaceable></term>
63      <listitem><para>
64        If specified, logging of protocol packages will be appended
65        file given. If <replaceable>filename</replaceable> is
66        specified as <literal>-</literal>, the output is written
67        to <literal>stdout</literal>.
68       </para></listitem>
69     </varlistentry>
70     <varlistentry>
71      <term>-b <replaceable>filename</replaceable></term>
72      <listitem><para>
73        If specified, YAZ will dump BER data in readable notation
74        to the file specified. If <replaceable>filename</replaceable>
75        is specified as <literal>-</literal> the output is written
76        to <literal>stdout</literal>.
77       </para></listitem>
78     </varlistentry>
79     <varlistentry>
80      <term>-c <replaceable>filename</replaceable></term>
81      <listitem><para>
82        If specified, CCL configuration will be read from
83        the file given.
84       </para></listitem>
85     </varlistentry>
86     <varlistentry>
87      <term>-d <replaceable>dump</replaceable></term>
88      <listitem><para>
89        If specified, YAZ will dump BER data for all PDUs sent and received 
90        to individual files, named
91        <replaceable>dump</replaceable>.DDD.<literal>raw</literal>, 
92        where DDD is 001, 002, 003, ..
93       </para></listitem>
94     </varlistentry>
95     <varlistentry>
96      <term>-k <replaceable>size</replaceable></term>
97      <listitem><para>
98       Sets preferred messages and maximum record size for Initialize
99       Request in kilobytes. Default value is 1024 (1 MB).
100       </para></listitem>
101     </varlistentry>
102     <varlistentry>
103      <term>-m <replaceable>filename</replaceable></term>
104      <listitem><para>
105        If specified, retrieved records will be appended to the file given.
106       </para></listitem>
107     </varlistentry>
108     <varlistentry>
109      <term>-p <replaceable>addr</replaceable></term>
110      <listitem><para>
111        If specified, the client will use the proxy at the address
112        given.
113       </para></listitem>
114     </varlistentry>
115     <varlistentry>
116      <term>-q <replaceable>filename</replaceable></term>
117      <listitem><para>
118        If specified, CQL configuration will be read from
119        the file given.
120       </para></listitem>
121     </varlistentry>
122     <varlistentry>
123      <term>-u <replaceable>auth</replaceable></term>
124      <listitem><para>
125        If specified, the <replaceable>auth</replaceable> string
126        will be used for authentication.
127       </para></listitem>
128     </varlistentry>
129     <varlistentry>
130      <term>-V</term>
131      <listitem><para>
132        Prints YAZ version.
133      </para></listitem>
134     </varlistentry>
135     <varlistentry>
136      <term>-x</term>
137      <listitem><para>
138        Makes the YAZ client print hex dumps of packages sent and received
139        on standard output.
140        </para></listitem>
141     </varlistentry>
142    </variablelist>
143   </refsect1>
144   <refsect1>
145    <title>COMMANDS</title>
146    <para>
147     The YAZ client accepts the following commands.
148    </para>
149    &yaz-client-commands;
150    </refsect1>
151   <refsect1><title>FILES</title>
152    <para>
153     <filename>yaz-&lt;version&gt;/client/client.c</filename>
154    </para>
155    <para>
156     <filename>.yazclientrc</filename>
157    </para>
158    <para>
159     <filename>$HOME/.yazclientrc</filename>
160    </para>
161   </refsect1>
162   <refsect1><title>SEE ALSO</title>
163    <para>
164     <citerefentry>
165      <refentrytitle>yaz</refentrytitle>
166      <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
167     </citerefentry>
168    </para>
169    <para>
170     Section "The YAZ Client" in the YAZ manual.
171    </para>
172    <para id="PQF">
173     Section "Prefix Query Format" in the YAZ manual.
174    </para>
175    <para id="CCL">
176     Section "Common Command Language" in the YAZ manual.
177    </para>
178    <para id="CQL">
179     Section "Common Query Language" in the YAZ manual.
180    </para>
181   </refsect1>
182 </refentry>
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